I would like to make a testimony here.. God has done many things in my life and changed it completely around. I've been blessed with many gifts in which I never knew I had, but I use them all for the Lord.
I was saved at the age of 16 and God tried to open my eyes then, but it only made me hate everything about Him and the church. It was then I joined a satanic occult for 2 years, and I witnessed how powerful satan is in this world, but Jesus brought me out of all that bruising satan under my feet. Yet it was still hard to trust pastors and
churches for a long while. It took my wife to get me back in the church where that's when I found out how powerful Jesus is, but then there was a falling away from the church as an organist there, for the pastor commented on something that
really upsetted me.
Later I got a divorce due to my wife cheating on me, which today she has been forgiven, but I was under alot of stress, that I had a severe Heart attack on of all days Easter Sunday which I supposedly died on the way to the hospital, but yet I still live even when the paramedics gave up on me. Since then God has changed my life completely around and I just thank Him and Praise Him for everything He has done for me. For if anyone should go to hell it would of been me, for I literally worshipped satan. Now according to God I'm a dangerous weapon against satan, for now I have the power of Jesus Christ in me and satan knows he's in trouble now. I have an advantage, I knew him well, and I know his every trick he uses on mankind...now God has me ministering to people, playing for people, and it has been a blessing to me just to know that I can give myself to others for Jesus.
Jesus is awesome for He never gave up on me, He knew I'd do what I did back in the past, but yet He still said I was His. For I was bought with a price not even satan can take away. It's no longer me who lives but Christ in me.
He is my every breath I take. He's my best friend, my counselor, my teacher. and Best of all He Loves me for who I am. He refused to leave me that way.
I'm closer to Him than I ever was before. That's my testimony. Life is rough at times, but always remember, Jesus is always there to pick you up when you fall, straighten you when you head the wrong direction. Charge His angels to protect us from any serious harm.
How can you not love Jesus.
Thanks for letting me give this testimony..
Warrior - Minnesota R.I.P. Dan 10/2018
I was born in Hinduism's highest caste. My father and forefathers were Hindu high priests in the Royal Palace of Nepal the only Hindu kingdom in the world. But although I first worshipped Krishna and studied the Vedas, Gita, and several Hindu scriptures and labored diligently in the Hindu religion, I felt strangely empty of truth. I saw quickly that the Hindu religion with its emphasis on Karma and the endless cycle of reincarnation was not an answer to eternal life.
I searched to find one true God. My quest took me from Hinduism to Buddhism, Lamaisn, Jainism, Shintoism, Islamism, Sikhism, Taoism, Judaism, and all kind of religions Beside the religions, I have studied palmistry, astrology, soothsaying, hypnotism enchanting, snake charmings, magics, necromancing, psychic reading, and all of the various offerings of idolatry, but found-them all deadly and wanting.
Still I didn't know about the life giving gospel of Jesus Christ. Finally after Studying in Nepal and India, I founded a Holy Bible and began to study about Jesus Christ in 1980. I discovered the truth of Jesus that I am not righteous just because I was born a Brahmin. In fact, I was sinner.
Then I discovered that Jesus is loving and forgiver of sins and His reward is eternal life. I found Jesus in my heart when I knelt down and prayed confessing as sins and by asking His mercy and power of blood to clean my sins away. THUS, I accepted Jesus as my personal savior on May 2S, 1981 without any human help. Then, I knew I didn't choose Him but He chose and ordained me to teach His truth. After my discovery of Jesus and His truth, I was disowned by my parents because of my conversion from Hinduism high profile priesthood caste to Christianity.
On July 27, 1989, I was visiting to a hospital where my father was declared to die any minute due to lung cancer. I got a chance to speak about Jesus to has. He heard the message so well. He believed the Word of God "Arise, take your bed, and go home. " Then, he left the hospital trusting in the Lord completely. Then, he broke down all the Hindu idols in the house and in temple. Thus, he never died of cancer. He is still alive.
Then, by a continuous praying, love, faith, and by studying the truth--my mother, brothers, and sister also believed Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Thus, me and my house continued serving the Lord (Joshua 24:15). In the result, many of our neighbors and relatives also believed gospel one by one. Then, God's work was started by opening new fellowships in Nepal. I searched Scripture daily poring over the words that became life unto life.
I took advanced evangelical training in Singapore and studied theology in Korea. I represented Nepal in International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists at Amsterdam which was sponsored by Billy Graham Association in 1986. Beside this, studied advanced Greek and Hebrew to translate Bible into Nepali language. It took three and half years to transmits the Bible. Consequently, I had to face prison because of Bible translation into Hindu people's national language, Nepali. Nonetheless, I never cease to continue my fight against all kinds of powers of darkness.
In my whole life, I will always struggle to save the lost at any cost for the glory of God. Thus, I fully believe I am sold out to Jesus as He paid his blood to save my life. Thus, I have dedicated my life to be a prisoner of Jesus.
I realize that I gave my testimony on the website but I suddenly felt the urge to give it again. This is not to glorify myself or give myself any credit whatsoever but what it is for is to glorify the Lord God Almighty.
I was raised in a home without God but it was a good home full of love but also turmoil that I had no idea even existed. It wasn't until our family moved from the city into the country that I began to witness the wonders of creation. During the warm summer nights I would lay out in the front yard and gaze up at the moon and stars in total wonderment. Although I wasn't really sure what this Higher Power was that was speaking to my total being when I marveled at creation I knew that there was more than this. At the age of about 10 or so some people came to our door and gave my mother a book that talked about God and creation. I read it with relish. So this Higher Power that I knew existed now had a name "GOD".
As the years passed by and I entered into my teen years God was always there prompting me and letting me know that He was there waiting. Then in the year of 1975 after I read the book, The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey and my Christian friends talked to me and prayed for me, I was saved. I was standing at a desk doing my job when suddenly a feeling like nothing I ever experienced before overcame me with a vengeance. I saw Jesus hanging on the cross shedding His blood for me and the words that came out of my mouth were simply this---------My God, you know, Jesus did die for me. He entered my heart right there on the spot. My friends could see it and my family could definitely see the change in me. A weight of sin had been lifted but it was at the moment of salvation that I finally realized and knew that all I had been witnessing all through my life, the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds the awesome expanse of the heavens was given to me, to you, to everyone by El Shaddai, God Almighty. The pieces finally came together in one great forever life-changing moment in time.
Satan was not a happy camper knowing that he had lost another one. Just a couple days later the devil came at me with both barrels. I was at work walking to another part of the work area when suddenly the presence of evil permeated that whole area. It literally drove me down to a sitting position. I wasn't used to praying yet but this ole boy did his best, God heard me and my friends whom I asked to pray for me as well. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Those are comforting words taken from Scripture.
God never told us that we would be without trials and tribulation but what He did say was that He would always be there and all we need to do is call upon Him, through the good and bad times. Did I always do what I was supposed too in my walk with Jesus? Nope, I did not and I paid dearly for some of my stupid decisions. Did I ever blame God for my trials, no I didn't but what I did do was question His reasoning for them. Of course later I realized that God does not tempt with evil nor is He tempted with evil. Granted God does allow certain things to happen in our lives to help us grow in faith but for the most part we bring the trouble that we experience throughout life, onto ourselves. Thank the Lord God Almighty that His Son, Jesus Christ died so that we wouldn't have to. The sting of death is no longer there.
I praise and thank God all the time for letting me know that He was there from an early age onward up into adulthood and beyond. As we read in Romans 1:20-----" For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so they are without excuse."
All of mankind is without excuse before God because it is very plain that He exists and if one chooses not to acknowledge God his blood is upon his own head if he dies without Christ. I am eternally grateful to God for instilling His attributes into His creation and I thank Him for calling me all of the years before I was saved. I love Him so very much and I thank Him that I listened to His still small voice that whispers throughout His creation.
I have been more fortunate than many people, I had a good childhood, a bit spoiled but good non-the-less. I guess that I have always known that there was a God from the time I was old enough to really appreciate what was around me. The trees, rivers, flowers, the stars and planets.
I loved to take my telescope out on a warm summer night and look at the night sky and it's simple but majestic beauty. Although I never acknowledged God out loud per se, I did "know" in my minds eye, and hearts eye. As the book of Romans 1:20 explains---"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse".
Yes, I was without excuse and yes, I did know that God was real. Neither of my parents were Christians so I went it alone, not really knowing what to do about God as far as being saved went. Well I graduated and proceeded to get a job, a car, and a girlfriend. Of course God was pretty much forgotten--well almost.
The "Still small voice" was always at the back of my mind and inner being. I got married at 22 and divorced at 25. Then in 1975 while I was at work, a couple of my Christian work friends were witnessing to me and while I was in the midst of reading The Late Great Planet Earth, God spoke to me again in a much "louder" voice. I prayed to God and he showed me Jesus on the cross and His blood being shed for "me" I finally, finally, finally realized that Jesus "did" die for me.
A ton was lifted off my back and I praised God right there at work. Talk about a happy person. My parents knew that something had changed and so did the rest of the family.
There was no fire, no tongues, no rolling on the floor, no babbling, but what there was was a subdued but volcanic-like Holy Spirit rush. I have never experienced anything like it before. I have a few times since but the initial experience was awesome.
But, a few days later Satan thought it necessary to "trouble" me. He was ticked because I was saved and he lost a lackey. I was at work again and I felt a shroud of pure evil surround me. It drove me down to a sitting position.
I prayed and my friends prayed. The evil left but it left a lasting impression and a lesson. I must depend upon the Almighty for all of my needs and always with thanks giving.
I went on through my life with it's ups and downs. More ups than downs but I'm here to tell you, some of the downs were so low, I had to reach up to touch the ground. I turned from God for quite a while and in the process was oppressed by demons.
Not "possessed but "oppressed". I allowed them to dictate to me what I did and thought but through it all, the "Still small voice" of God was urging me to hang on and allow Him to take my hand and help me back up and to take my heart and heal it of the darkness that flooded my life at that time. I lost days at a time. I had no idea who I was or what I was doing.
God kept me from doing anyone any harm but I wasn't aware of it at the time.
Anyhow, praise be to the Almighty He is my Rock and my Fortress. Choose this day whom you will serve; as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".
Gary Lee Karopczyk - Michigan
I have been a Pastor's son for 35 years. I was very rebellious growing up because I was expected to be the example and expected to be in church every time the church doors were open. I grew up resenting Church and Christianity. I got married at the age of 28 and divorced 2 years later when I found out my daughter wasn't my daughter. My wife had slept with another man and she had a baby with him while we were married, making me think that the child was mine until I caught her. I divorced her and by that time I had a 2 yr old son with her and this broke my heart to have to spend time away from him. I went into a deep depression and started drinking and doing drugs. I had lost almost all my self esteem as a man and just dove deeper and deeper into sin. I had an auto accident some time later and was life-flighted to Vanderbuilt Med Center in Nashville Tn where I almost lost my life. I did lose almost all the sight out of my left eye and spent about 3 months in the hospital with a broken leg, crushed left side of my face and my heart was not functioning properly. After I returned home, you'd think I had learned my lesson, but I didn't. I started drinking again and about a year had passed before I had my second auto accident. Again, I was life-flighted and this time my father was the security Officer at the Hospital where life-flight was to pick me up. My own father had to get the helipad ready for his son and didn't know it until I arrived and he had seen me. I was drunk again and I remember the words that my father spoke to me as if it were yesterday. He said, "Son, I'm praying for you." I sobered up very fast after his words. I spent another six weeks in the hospital and returned home again. When I returned home this time, I moved out with a friend of mine, a drug addict. I started using drugs very heavily and one day my room mate returned home with a new drug. He tried to get me to try it. I refused. He kept on for about two weeks until I finally gave in. The drug was heroine. One time and I was hooked. It started out as a 75 dollar a week habit and when I quit, it had escalated to a whopping 175 dollars a day habit. I wasn't making that kind of money, so I sold almost everything that was worth anything to support my habit and when I had sold everything, I started to steal from family and friends. After I had lost everything and everybody, I fell to the bottom of the pit. I had nothing left except my son and he would have been taken next if I had not done something about my problem. About 2 months later, I started bleeding internally and the doctor's could find the problem. They first had thought I had Colitis, but when I had my first surgery, the bleeding did not stop. I went home and almost bled to death. I lived alone and had already gotten to the halucinating stage after losing so much blood. My father calls me from their home here in Elizabethtown, Ky and I was talking out of my head, so he sent mom down to check on me. She came in and as soon as I got up out of the bed, I passed out. She finally got me awake and took me to the Hospital in Nashville to see my doctor. I had to have 3 blood transfusions and 6 more major surgeries over the next two years. I was in the hospital the largest part of two years and when I finally got out, I had been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. (A disease that is incurable)
I went back to my drugs after returning home because for the past two years, I had been on nothing but demoral and morphine. I had a bad drug problem. After returning to heroine again, I began to contemplate suicide. I was either going to get help or I was going to take my own life. I remember I was at work one morning and all I could do was cry. I finally called my father and told him if he wanted to see me alive the next day he had better come and get me.
He drove down and loaded all my belongings in the car and I walked away from a 15 dollar an hour job that day. I went to an alter of prayer the next day in church and GOD saved me and healed me from the crohn's disease, took away ALL my addictions, had NO withdrawel symptoms, didn't get sick, and I have been a devout Christian ever since. I am now getting back on my feet and doing great! I have NEVER looked back once. It literally makes me sick to think about drugs or Alcohol now and I thank My GOD for HIS healing touch. He let me know beyond a shadow of a doubt that HE is real and HE is ALL POWERFUL and LOVING. I am now on a mission for Christ, asking HIM to open doors for me that I may find the lost and have the opportunity to share my testimony with them, hoping that they too will find what I found almost 3 years ago. I am now a full time Youth Minister in the church and over the evangelism dept. and Men's Ministries, as well as a Sunday School teacher for new converts.
Nick - KY
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